Friday, January 31, 2014

Vanatarele Ponorului, Judetul Alba, Romania

Panou informativ
Panou informativ
Vanatarile Ponorului este o rezervatie complexa, clasificata de speologul Viorel Ludusan ca poljie, poate singura forma de relief de acest fel din Romania.
Rezervatia Vanatarile Ponorului este situata la marginea sud-vestica a culmii calcaroase Bedeleu din Muntii Trascaului la confluenta vailor Ponorului, Poienii si Seaca. Administrativ este impartita intre satul Vale in Jos, comuna Ponor si satulDumesti, comuna Salciua, judetul Alba.
Pe drumul judetean DJ 107 Aiud-Ponor-Mogos prin localitatile Ramet-Valea Poienii-
Pe drum spre Vanatare
Pe drum spre Vanatare
Bradesti-Vale in Jos sau pe drumul comunal DC 105 din Salciua de Jos, Sub Piatra spre satele Valea in Jos sau Valea Poienii. Ultima varianta, noul drum din Salciua prin Dumesti ce duce la marginea nordica a rezervatiei.
Poljie, este un termen speologic care denumeste un relief endocarstic, depresiune larga drenata subteran cu un fund plat pe care curge permanent sau temporar o retea de ape. La ploi putrnice apa nu poate fi drenata rapid si se formeaza un lac temporar. Este cuvant sloven si inseamna campie. Rezervatia Vanatarile Ponorului indeplineste toate conditiile ca sa fie denumita poljie. Este o depresiune larga de peste 150 km² bine populata (satele Vale in
Vanatarele Ponorului
Vanatarele Ponorului
Jos, Bradesti, Valea Poienii). Este drenata subteran, cele trei paraie care se unesc aici se pierd in masivul calcaros si il strabat prin pestera Huda lui Papara. Are fundul relativ plat pe care curge permanent o retea de ape. La ploi puternice apa nu poate fi drenata rapid fie din cauza debitului mare, fie din cauza colmatarii ponorului cu materiale aduse de apa, lemne sau capite de fan. Lacul temporar ce se formeaza sparge in cele din urma barajul format si debitul mare de apa produce dese inundatii in Huda lui Papara si pe Valea Morilor. Acest fenomen ciudat nu a putut fi explicat in trecut si a dat nastere legendelor cu solomani, balauri gigantici care locuiesc in Huda lui Papara. Acesti solomani se scalda in lacurile pesterii si apa ce deverseaza produce inundatii. S-a nascut chiar si o meserie in acest sens, solomonari, barbati curajosi care intrau in pestera in cautarea si alungarea solomanilor.
Peretele inalt de calcar din partea estica de culoare alb-gri e brazdat de dungi de culoare vanata lasate de scurgerea apelor de precipitatii. Aceste dungi vinete au dat locului denumirea de Vanatarile Ponorului.
Partea cea mai interesanta din poljie, declarata rezervatie naturala este zona ponorului in
Primavara si toamna aici curge o cscada
Primavara si toamna aici curge o cascada
suprafata de 5 ha. Valea Ponorului si Valea Seaca ce curg dinspre SV se unesc cu 200 m inainte de a intra in ponor. Pe acesta distanta ele formeaza o scurta dar spectaculosa cheie, Cheile Vanatarii. In peretele stang al cheii, apa a dizolvat o diaclaza paralela cu valea, formand o pestera plina de septe de dizolvare si eroziune, marmite, colmatata partial cu aluviuni si lemne. Denumita Pestera Mica de la Vanatarea a fost descoperita, explorata si cartata in 1980 de Viorel Ludusan. In peretele de calcar sub care se pierd apele, la cativa metri inaltime se deschide gura mare a Pesterii Dalbina, pestera fosila formata dintr-o singura sala de mari dimensiuni lipsita de formatiuni spectaculoase.
Valea Poienii curge de la sud la nord si se aruca in gol peste peretele inalt de calcar formand o spectaculosa cascada de 25 m (Cascada Dalbina). In amonte de aceasta cascada, speologii de la clubul “Emilian Cristea” Alba Iulia au descoperit, explorat si cartat in 1986-88 un aven de 106 m adancime, spectaculos dar deosebit de periculos (Avenul de la Vanatare) . Tot in peretele cascadei speologii de la Polaris Blaj au descoperit un aven de 16 m adancime in fundul caruia un lac plin cu busteni impiedica inaintarea (Avenul Colmatat).

BORSA wooden church, Maramures County, Romania

The wooden church, general view
The wooden church, general view
The village was recorded in 1365. The wooden church once again is under the spiritual patronage of The Holy Archangels. It was built around 1700. Its distinctive elements are the two overlapped porches on the western side and the overlapped roof with its tower-bell sustained by thirteen colonnades above which a pyramidal pointed spire flared at its bottom rises.
The porch has elegant arcades made of carved arches, fixed by wooden pegs to the corona or band of wooden boards above it, and supporting pillars, beautifully rounded in the middle, surrounded by a parapet decorated with fret-sawn fish shapes and circles.
The upper part of the entrance door has an arch made by carving the lintel beam that is supported by the side doorposts. They are not decorated.
The deteriorated painting inside completed in 1775 by an unknown artist, is distinguished
Painting in the nave
Painting in the nave
through its coloring, mostly brick-red and blue (specific to the region). The characters are painted with individual faces and present a variety and succession of themes and stories.
Angels holding flowers bordered by Cherubs, at the corners, can be seen on the ceiling vault of the pronaos. On the sides there are scenes inspired from Jesus life, ” The Parable of the Ten Virgins”, The Samaritan Woman” (she is wearing Romanian folk costume)”, “Jesus entering Jerusalem”, Saint Nestor and Lie and so on.
Principal icon
Principal icon
A two-headed eagle with “The Banishment from Heaven” on its left and “Abel’s Murder” on the right is painted above the door of the nave two solitary monks. Macarie and Onofrei are painted on the southern side. Saint George, “Judas talking to three Jewish high priests about betraying Jesus”, “The Last Supper”, “Jesus being judged” and others can be admired on the northern side.
The ”Holy Trinity”, and “The Ascension of Mary”; are flanked by pictures of the four Evangelists on the ceiling vault.
The Iconostasis is special because  of the Principal holy icons of Jesus and Mary, and the heart-shaped medallions framing faces painted in lively and clear colours.
The church  also houses a beautiful wooden candlestick and wooden icons on a golden background engraved with wonderful leaf-shaped decorations.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

BOIU MARE stone and wooden church, Maramures County, Romania

The stone and wooden church, general view
The stone and wooden church, general view
The village was recorded in 1405. The church, named “The Holy Archangels”, is made of wood and stone and it was built in 18th century.
The structure is different from the others in this region as the sidewalls are made of stone. The church has a porch, a pronaos, a nave and a round apse narrower than the nave. The interior walls are covered with wooden boards; the scenes were painted directly on them.
The facade has two large niches on both sides of the entrance door, which are painted with the patron saints of the church. Above, on the gable, there is The Ornniscient Eye. This symbol was placed, surprisingly, in a triangle; it is well kmown that the triangle and the number three syrnbolize the icon of the three spheres of the world: nature, human and divine. It also represents the Trinity.
The flared pointed roof is covered, at present, with aluminiun sheets, and it has in the front part a half-spire with a hidden bell-tower. The windows are placed in the sides of the church and are protected by shutters. Over these there is a slender spire with a square base, which gives the whole assembly an impression of size an elegance.
The interior painting is well preserved on the sidewalls of the nave, where one can see
The stone and wooden church, exterior detailes
The stone and wooden church, exterior detailes
“The Last Supper” (on the southern wall) and ”St. Elijah’s Ascension” (on the northern wall). On the vault the Holy Trinity is surrounded by paintings of the Evangelists, in circular frames.
The Iconostasis is made of wood, which is carved in arches and chains of twisted ropes. The Iconostasis was placed over the original one, which was painted directly on the wall. Ithas two tiers: in the centre ”The Last Supper” and the “Holy Trinity”, and, on the top, a cross with Jesus Crucified. All these are painted in a Renaissance style, revealing an obvious interest for the human anatomy.
The church houses a wonderful chandelier, made up of metallic painted arches vertically dispose and framed by circles with candlesticks, reminding us of the elegant form of oil lamps – a pattern frequently seen in the Maramures churches.